Paced Run - 08/10/2020


Past Session

Paced Run

Road & Track 2.79 Route Kentle Wood. 

Route either 1 or 2 Laps.

This is runleader session and the aim is to conduct a (SSR) steady state run around a 2.79 mile circuit.

Depending on runners ability & training during the lockdown period, runners are invited to run either 1 Lap or 2.

The selected route will incorporate mixed roads & tracks, the run is an individual effort with social distancing measures.

Runners who are intending to conduct two laps will set off first.  The remaining runners doing 1 lap will follow shortly afterwards. 

I will be on the course but running in the opposite direction, once i meet up with the first runners, I will turn back towards the start point.

The session will start with the following:

* Warm up 5-10 minutes. (depending on the numbers)

* Main session. 30-40 minutes.

* Cool down 5-10 minutes.


Addition Information:

* The route will be posted in the coming days on Daventry Road Runner Facebook.

* Only runners that have booked 1 of the 12 slots on the clubpal app can attend the session.

* Bright clothing, running torches and decent trainers advised for the Kentle Wood part of the route.


Thursday 08 Oct 2020
18:30 - 19:30 (1 hour)
Brown's Lane Sports Field. (West field)
No charge
Capacity: 12
3 places remaining
