Thursday trot - 21/03/2024


Past Session

Thursday trot

Meeting in the Peppermill car park at 6.30pm, this is a social run of just over 4 miles.  

ROUTE - if you want to look at the route or download it to your Garmin device, here it is:

We will run along Western Avenue, past the petrol station and onto the March industrial estate towards the Southbrook, go through the first underpass and go straight on, skirt the Fish Ponds playing field cross the road and go under the second underpass, turn LEFT onto the country park and then turn RIGHT before the third underpass and run up through the country park towards the car park/cafe corner, turn LEFT and cross at the pedestrian crossing, get onto the Black Path and run down to the iCon, going underneath the iCon underpass and run up behind the old Council Offices, go RIGHT onto New Street, follow the road past the Police Station and onto Oxford Street and then Badby Road, at the end of the road turn LEFT onto Western Avenue and head back to the Peppermill.

You will need a torch, some of the streets aren't well lit and the Country Park will be very dark!

Please run in groups, I don't want anyone running on their own.

If you want a SHORTER run you can miss out running up through the Country Park and instead head straight to the iCon and follow the instructions from there

If you want a LONGER run you can either LOOP BACK or turn right out of the second underpass and take the longer route around the Country Park


Led by Nadine Gray
Thursday 21 Mar 2024
18:30 - 20:30 (2 hours)
2 Westerburg Square, Daventry NN11 4TQ
No charge
Capacity: 30
9 places remaining
